Features of Grinder

Touchless Grinder
Tired of grimy fingers handling your product? One of the primary features of the Green Pepper is the ability for users to pour ground flower directly into their smoking device without human touch. Users have the option to grind with the spout slide open, or keep it closed and pour product after grinding.

The Green Pepper is an all-in-one high quality herb grinder, as well as a herb storage container. The bottle portion can store up to a quarter of flower, which flows directly into the hemp grinder portion.

Looking for a travel grinder? Look no further! The Green Pepper can store all your nug needs for a weekend trip, or week-long getaway. Its unique design will not spill in a backpack like a traditional 4 piece grinder. The sturdy design will not break if dropped like glass jar containers. Tired of losing your grinders? With the Green Pepper price you don't have to worry about losing your expensive grinder or container.

Grind Quality
Don't let the low price point and plastic design fool you, the Green Pepper produces a smooth grind, with the ideal sized grounds. The grind quality is the same as the best herb grinder on the market.
Use Cases

One of the big markets for the Green Pepper are tourists looking to purchase a disposable grinder for their visit. Currently, most grinders in dispensaries can be expensive, perform poorly, or be cheaply made. The Green Pepper grinder performs as well as high quality herb grinders, with the price point of a budget grinder. Because of the low price, visitors can purchase this at the dispensary and dispose/recycle when they leave or fly home. Ideal for ski towns and weekend destinations.

Local Markets
Even though the initial design is recyclable and disposable, it is durable enough to serve a local market beyond just tourists. The initial design has been thoroughly tested and can last months with multiple uses a day. The grinder can be used at home as a primary grinder, and be brought on day/weekend trips without the worry of losing an expensive piece. The Green Pepper also provides additional functionality traditional 3/4 piece grinders do not provide, including bud storage, and no required touch by the user – the grinds can be directly ground into the smoking device.

Dispensary Marketing
Dispensaries selling The Green Pepper on their store shelves can also market this grinder as an “add on” or promotion to give to customers who spend a certain amount at the store. This will incentivize customers to purchase more flower and increase sales. As an early adopter, dispensaries can differentiate their brand from competitors by adding their logo on this unique product, attracting more tourists and locals to their specific store.

Packaging laws vary by state, but the ultimate vision for this product is to be the default exit package for flower to be sold in. Pill bottles and pop tops have been common packages for dispensaries, and this product improves upon that option. After this first version, next phases will include grinders that meet the regulations for dispensaries to sell nuggets inside the grinder as the point of sale exit package. Other product lines will include a variety of sizes, and metal/glass versions that will be more durable and customizable at a higher price point.